5 Cents 2012 - Canadian Tire

5 Cents 2012 - Canadian Tire 5 Cents 2012 - Canadian Tire
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : Canada 2012 5 Cents.

Canadian Tire Money.

Canadian Tire 'Money', one of Canada's best-known and most-loved customer reward programs. Considered by many to be a Canadian icon, Canadian Tire 'Money' enjoys nearly universal top-of-mind recognition in Canada. It was inspired by Muriel Billes, the wife of Canadian Tire's co-founder and first president, A.J. Billes, and was introduced as a "cash bonus coupon" in 1958 in the first Canadian Tire Gas Bar in Toronto.
Front Description : Value in each corner with Sandy McTire on the right side facing left.
Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President, Finance: Dean McCann
President and Chief Executive Officer: Stephen G. Wetmore
Back Description : Coloured Canadian Tire logo in the centre flanked by the value
Height 66.00 mm
Width 138.00 mm
Full Date 2012
Material Paper
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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