2 Schillings - Church of Grace, Christkindl (Upper Austria)

2 Schillings - Church of Grace, Christkindl (Upper Austria)
Added by Iordache Gabriel
General Description : Series: Buildings;

The baroque church of Christkindl (Steyr, Upper Austria) was planned by Carlo Antonio Carlone and built by Jakob Prandtauer (1709). Nearby the post office of Christkindl is open every year since 1950 from the end of November to January 6, where special Christmas and New Years postmarks are used.

Paper variety mentioned by SG but not catalogued.
Face value 2 öS - Austrian schilling
Catalog code (Michel) AT 1049x
Catalog code Stamp Number AT 625; Yvert et Tellier AT 873A; AFA number AT 945; ANK AT 1102x
Series Cladiri - Austria 1958
Place in series 3
Stamp colour Prussian blue
Stamp use Definitive stamp
Issue date 29/11/1958
Designer Hans Strohofer
Paper type Stamp, Gum: Yellow, Paper: grey yellow
Print technique Offset lithography
Perforation comb 14 x 13¾
Height 30.00 mm
Width 25.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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Who has it for trade:
Iordache Gabriel Ion Postolache