20 Kroner 2008 - Selandia

Added by Sorin Trimbitas
In personal collections 2
General Description M/S Selandia, which was built by Burmeister & Wain for the East Asiatic Company in 1912, was the world's first ocean-going ship powered by diesel. It marks the transition from steam ships to motor ships and was hailed as a technological wonder in its day. However, it lacked the distinctive architectural feature of the steam ships, the large funnels. After its successful maiden voyage, M/S Selandia was followed by its sister vessels, M/S Fionia and M/S Jutlandia. After M/S Selandia grounded and sank near Japan in 1942, several other ships have borne its name. A model of M/S Selandia can also be seen at the DieselHouse.
Catalog code KM#926
Mintage 1,200,000
Diameter 27.00 mm
Weight 9.3000 g
Material Aluminum-Bronze
Mint Denmark - Copenhagen (heart)
Edge Type -not in this list-
Catalog prices
*what it means?
UNC $6.00   BU $9.00  

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