Six Pence 1954-1970 History of British Currency

Six Pence 1954-1970 History of British Currency Six Pence 1954-1970 History of British Currency Six Pence 1954-1970 History of British Currency
Added by Petcu Paul
General Description : The sixpence (6d), sometimes known as a tanner or sixpenny bit, was a coin worth one-fortieth of a pound sterling, or six pence. It was first minted in the reign of Edward VI and circulated until 1980. Following decimalisation in 1970 it had a value of 2½ new pence. The coin was made from silver from its introduction in 1551 to 1947, and thereafter in cupronickel.
Diameter 50.00 mm
Weight 54.00 g
Material Copper-Nickel
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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