Craiova Art Museum - The Thigh (Fragment of a torso) 1909

Craiova Art Museum - The Thigh (Fragment of a torso) 1909 Craiova Art Museum - The Thigh (Fragment of a torso) 1909
Added by stomff andrei aurel
General Description : Craiova Art Museum – the building that houses the museum was built in 1896, following the plans of the French architect Paul Gotereau. Its main attraction is the art gallery dedicated to Constantin Brâncuși, exhibiting six of his early sculptures (including variants of his best-known works): The Kiss (1907), Vitellius (1898), Woman Torso (1909), The Vainglory (1905), Boy's Head (1906), Miss Pogany (1902).It also has a variety of paintings by leading Romanian masters such as;Theodor Aman, Nicolae Grigorescu, Vasile Popescu, Stefan Luchian, and Theodor Pallady plus some Romanian icons.
The Thigh (Fragment of a torso) - 1909 - 1910
Worked in white marble, in Paris, this sculpture was presented for the first time to the public at the Bucharest Official Salon, in 1912.Using the direct cut and alternating it with the finished surfaces, typical of the romantic, Rodin like' current, Brâncuşi selected the same techniques involved at the creation of The Sleep, 1908, from the Collection of The National Art Museum, Bucharest. Exhibited in Craiova for the first time in 1943, the sculpture is part of the patrimony of The Art Museum of Craiova since august 1954; from 1956 it was exhibited permanently in the National Gallery of the museum, and from 1964 in the Constantin Brâncuşi Cabinet.
Diameter 60.00 mm
Material Tombac
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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Radu Florin Ovidiu-Daniel