Aktivist der sozialistischen Arbeit

Aktivist der sozialistischen Arbeit Aktivist der sozialistischen Arbeit
Added by Ion Postolache
General Description Aktivist der sozialistischen Arbeit
Activists of Socialist Labor was a national award of the German Democratic Republic (GDR), which was awarded in the form of an order. It was donated on July 28, 1969, thus replacing the awards given to activists of the Seven-Year Plan and Medal for Excellence. There was also an honorary title for young activists and Outstanding Young activists which the required level of commitment and achievements have been awarded by the FDJ and the fdgb to young people in school or training for over.
Material Metal
Attachment type Safety pin
Manufacturing technique Cloisonne Hard Enamel
Height 46.00 mm
Width 34.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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