Oudenbosch Basilica

Oudenbosch Basilica
Added by Bart Perdieus
General Description The Oudenbosch Basilica is a Roman Catholic basilica in the Dutch village of Oudenbosch. The basilica is named after Agatha of Sicily and Barbara of Nicomedia, two Christian martyrs from the third century. It was built at the initiative of Willem Hellemons who was parish priest between 1842 and 1884. Its nave and interior were modeled after St. Peter's Basilica, while the facade is a replica of the Basilica of St. John Lateran, both located in Rome. The basilica was designed by architect Pierre Cuypers. Construction began in 1865 but was not fully completed until 1892. The basilica is unique in the region in that it is relatively large with a classical Italian appearance that is atypical for most of northern Europe, let alone a small town in North Brabant.
Height 140.00 mm
Width 90.00 mm
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