10 Zloty 1984 - Clematis texensis

10 Zloty 1984 - Clematis texensis
Added by Radu Andron
General Description : Scarlet leather-flower or scarlet clematis is an herbaceous to slightly woody vine, climbing no more than 9 ft. Bell-shaped flowers, blooming only on new growth, are held in axillary clusters of one to seven. The flower petals are actually thick, leather-like, scarlet-colored sepals. A feathery ball of plumed seeds follows the floral display. Stems are bare for the first two feet.
This is a very hardy and drought tolerant clematis. In ideal, sunny conditions, blooms may last until the first frost.
Face value 10 Zloty
Designer A. Balcerzak
Perforation zimtat
Height 32.00 mm
Width 40.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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tibanu74 Radu Florin