55 Bani - Galati county

55 Bani - Galati county
Added by boom43
General Description : Galați is a city and municipality in Romania, the capital of Galați County. Located in the historical region of Moldavia, in the close vicinity of Brăila, Galați is the largest port and sea port on the Danube River and the second largest Romanian port. One of the largest economic centers in Romania, Galați has an economic life developed around the Naval Shipyard, Port River, Arcelor-Mittal steel plant, and Mineral Port.
Face value 55 Bani
Catalog code (Michel) RO 3443
Series Stemele judeţelor - Romania 1977
Place in series 11
Stamp use Definitive stamp
Print run 1000000
Issue date 05/09/1977
Paper type Stamp
Print technique Photogravure
Perforation comb 13½
Height 42.00 mm
Width 27.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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