500 Intis 1987 (26. VI.)

500 Intis 1987 (26. VI.) 500 Intis 1987 (26. VI.)
Added by Daniel
General Description Deep brown-violet and olive-brown on multicolor underprint. Jose Cabriel Condorcanqui Tupac Amaru II at right, arms at center.
Back: Mountains and climber at center.
UV: fibers and security thread fluoresce yellow and blue.
Watermark: Jose Cabriel Condorcanqui Tupac Amaru II.
Catalog code P#134b
Height 75.00 mm
Width 150.00 mm
Material Paper
Printed by Germany - Bunddesdruckerei
Catalog prices VF $0.20   UNC $0.50  

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Who has it for trade:
Mihai Alex Mihnea Paicu Daniel