Exposition universelle de 1878 Paris World's Fair

Exposition universelle de 1878 Paris World's Fair Exposition universelle de 1878 Paris World's Fair Exposition universelle de 1878 Paris World's Fair
Added by stomff andrei aurel
General Description : The third Paris World's Fair, called an Exposition Universelle in French, was held from 1 May through to 10 November 1878. It celebrated the recovery of France after the 1870 Franco-Prussian War.
The Palais du Trocadéro built for the occasion was reused for the Exposition Universelle of 1900.
This exposition was on a far larger scale than any previously held anywhere in the world. It covered over 66 acres (270,000 m2), the main building in the Champ de Mars and the hill of Chaillot, occupying 54 acres (220,000 m2). The Gare du Champ de Mars was rebuilt with four tracks to receive rail traffic occasioned by the exposition. The Pont d'Iéna linked the two exhibition sites along the central allée. The French exhibits filled one-half of the entire space, with the remaining exhibition space divided among the other nations of the world. Germany was the only major country which was not represented, but there were a few German paintings being exhibited. The United States exhibition was headed by a series of commissioners, which included Pierce M. B. Young, a former United States Congressman and major general in the Confederate States Army, as well as other generals, politicians, and celebrities.
The completed head of the Statue of Liberty was showcased.
Over 13 million people paid to attend the exposition, making it a financial success.
Material Bronze
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet