Philip Morris GmbH 2000

Philip Morris GmbH 2000 Philip Morris GmbH 2000
Added by Iordache Gabriel
General Description : Established in 1972 they have since grown to become the leading tobacco company in Germany. After Germany’s re-unification in 1990, their operations continued to expand when f6, a leading East German cigarette brand, became part of their portfolio.
Today their organization operates throughout Germany. Their headquarters in Munich and production facilities in Berlin and Dresden employ over 2,400 people. The factory in Berlin is now the second-largest Philip Morris manufacturing facility in Europe.
Front Description : philip morris gmbh zusammen lauft's
Back Description : 2000 viribus unitis (efforts)
Height 2.00 mm
Diameter 40.00 mm
Material -I do not know-
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet