Owen Lee Hargreaves midfield

Owen Lee Hargreaves midfield Owen Lee Hargreaves midfield
Added by Iordache Gabriel
General Description : Owen Lee Hargreaves (born 20 January 1981) is an English former footballer. Hargreaves was known as a hard-working and "solid defensive midfielder who worked tirelessly to win the ball" and provide his teammates with possession.[3] Born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Hargreaves played with Calgary Foothills as a youth before beginning his professional football career in Germany with Bayern Munich. After seven years with the Munich side – during which time he won four German league titles and the 2000–01 UEFA Champions League – Hargreaves signed for Manchester United in 2007, winning the Premier League and UEFA Champions League in his first season.
However, his time at Manchester United was plagued with injuries and he was allowed to leave the club at the end of his contract in June 2011.
Width 2.00 mm
Diameter 22.00 mm
Material -I do not know-
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