50th anniversary of the War Superior School now name Carol I National Defence University

50th anniversary of the War Superior School now name Carol I National Defence University 50th anniversary of the War Superior School now name Carol I National Defence University
Added by Raisenauer Ovidiu
General Description : The Carol I National Defence University (Romanian: Universitatea Naţională de Apărare "Carol I"), is an institution of higher education, located in Bucharest, Romania. It was established in 1889 under the War Superior School name. In 2005, it was named in honor of the Romanian King Carol I.
Carol I National Defence University seeks to train military and civilian experts in security and national defence. It undertakes scientific studies related to these matters when requested by relevant state authorities. It is a member of the International Association for Military Pedagogy (IAMP), whose members include military and civilian professionals from military institutions of advanced learning.
Diameter 65.00 mm
Material Brass
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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Radu Florin Ovidiu-Daniel