Nicolae Titulescu

Nicolae Titulescu Nicolae Titulescu
Added by stomff andrei aurel
General Description : Nicolae Titulescu, March 4, 1882 – March 17, 1941, was a well-known Romanian diplomat, at various times government minister, finance and foreign minister, and for two terms President of the General Assembly of the League of Nations (1930–32).
Nicolae Titulescu was born in Craiova, the son of a solicitor. He passed through his childhood at his father's estate in Titulești, Olt County. Upon graduating with honours in 1900 from the Carol I High School in Craiova, he studied law in Paris, obtaining his doctorate with the thesis Essai sur une théorie des droits éventuels. In 1905, Titulescu returned to Romania as a professor of law at the University of Iași, and in 1907 he moved to Bucharest.
Diameter 60.00 mm
Material Tombac
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Radu Florin Ovidiu-Daniel