Sip Channel (Iron Gates ) inaugurated on 27 Sept 1896

Sip Channel (Iron Gates ) inaugurated on 27 Sept 1896 Sip Channel (Iron Gates ) inaugurated on 27 Sept 1896
Added by Raisenauer Ovidiu
General Description : In 1890, near the city of Orsova (in Hungarian; Ursa in Romanian) being the last border town of Hungary, rocks were cleared by explosion over a 2 km (1.2 mi) stretch in order to create an 80 m (262 ft) wide and 3 m (10 ft) deep channel. A spur of the Greben Mountains was removed across a length of over 2 km (1.2 mi). Here, a depth of 2 m (7 ft) sufficed. On 17 September 1896, the Sip Channel thus created (named after the Serbian village on the right bank) was inaugurated by the Austro-Hungarian emperor Franz Joseph, the Romanian king Carol I, and the Serbian king Alexander Obrenovich.
The results of these efforts were slightly disappointing. The currents in the channel were so strong that, until 1973, ships had to be dragged upstream by locomotive. The Iron Gates thus remained an obstacle of note.
Front Description : Austro-Hungarian emperor Franz Joseph, the Romanian king Carol I, and the Serbian king Alexander Obrenovich.
Diameter 40.00 mm
Material Silver
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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Radu Florin Ovidiu-Daniel