Ministry of Education - Third Prize (Carol II)

Ministry of Education - Third Prize (Carol II) Ministry of Education - Third Prize (Carol II)
Added by modestcol
General Description : Circular gilt bronze medal with loop for ribbon suspension.
The importance of education was realised early in Romania’s struggle for independence and considerable effort was put into encouraging the building of schools and enhancing the status of the teaching profession.
Normally seen with a ribbon National Colors.
This medal dates from the period 1930 to 1940
Front Description : Portrait in relief of King Carol II, circumscribed ‘M. S. REGELE CAROL II. AL ROMÂNIEI’ (H. M. King Carol II of Romania)
Back Description : Inscribed ‘PREMIUL III’ (3rd class award) above a trophy of a book, quill pen in inkpot and laurel branch and inscribed above ‘MINISTERUL INSTRUCTIUNII’ (Ministry of Education)
Material Bronze
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet


Who wants it:
Radu Florin Ovidiu-Daniel