Commemorative Cross for the 1916-1918 War-Mărăşeşti and 1918 bar

Commemorative Cross for the 1916-1918 War-Mărăşeşti and 1918 bar Commemorative Cross for the 1916-1918 War-Mărăşeşti and 1918 bar
Added by Florin Kosaku
General Description : The medal was instituted by Royal Decree on 8 July 1918 to be awarded to military and civilians for conspicuous service during the war of 1916-1918. Despite alliances with Germany and Austria-Hungary and a Royal House of German origin, Romania entered World War I on the side of the Triple Entente of Britain, Russia and France, swayed by the promise of Transylvania. German and Austro-Hungarian forces made rapid advances and the Romanian Army suffered devastating defeat. However, the War brought revolution in Russia, defeat for Germany and disintegration for Austria-Hungary and Romania gained not only Transylvania but also Bessarabia and Bukovina. The Cross is increasingly hard to find.
Front Description : The face with a central circular medallion bearing the crowned cipher of King Ferdinand.
The Battle of Mărăşeşti, Vrancea County, eastern Romania (August 6 to September 8, 1917) was a major battle fought during World War I between Germany and Romania.
Back Description : the reverse with a central circular medallion bearing the dates ‘1916’ and ‘1918’
Material Bronze
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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