Elena Ceausescu – research scientist at ICECHIM

Elena Ceausescu – research scientist at ICECHIM Elena Ceausescu – research scientist at ICECHIM
Added by adrian
General Description : Elena Ceaușescu (7 January 1919 – 25 December 1989) was the wife of Romania's Communist leader Nicolae Ceaușescu, and Deputy Prime Minister of Romania.
In 1957 she was a research scientist at ICECHIM (National Institute for Chemical Research). In the early 1960s she was reported to be secretary of the party committee of the Bucharest Central Institute of Chemical Researches, and, when her husband Ceaușescu took over the party leadership in March 1965, she was listed as the institute's director. In December of the same year, she was elected a member of the newly established National Council of Scientific Research, and in September 1966 she was awarded the Order of Scientific Merit First Class.
Diameter 90.00 mm
Material Tombac
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