Order of the Red Star

Order of the Red Star Order of the Red Star Order of the Red Star
Added by adrian
General Description : The Order of the Red Star (Russian: Орден Краснoй Звезды) was a military decoration for bravery of the Soviet Union. It was established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 6, 1930 but its statute was only defined in decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 5, 1930. That statute was amended by decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 7, 1936, of June 19, 1943, of February 26, 1946, of October 15, 1947, of December 16, 1947 and by decree No 1803-X of March 28, 1980.
The Order of the Red Star was awarded to soldiers of the Soviet Army, Navy, border and internal security forces, employees of the State Security Committee of the USSR, as well as NCOs and officers of the bodies of internal affairs; to units, warships, associations, enterprises, institutions and organizations; as well as to military personnel of foreign countries.
When the order wasn't worn, a ribbon could be worn in its stead on the ribbon bar on the left side of the chest. The ribbon of the Order of the red Star was a 24mm wide silk moiré dark red with a 5mm wide central silver stripe.
Front Description : The Order of the Red Star is a red enamelled 47mm to 50mm wide (depending on the variant) silver five pointed star. In the center of the obverse, an oxydised silver shield bearing the image of an erect soldier wearing an overcoat and carrying a rifle, along the shield's entire circumference, a narrow band bearing the Communist motto in relief, "Workers of the world, unite!" (Russian: «Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!»), the band below the soldier bore the relief inscription "USSR" (Russian: «СССР»). Below the shield, the hammer and sickle also of oxydised silver.
Back Description : The otherwise plain reverse bore the maker's mark and the award serial number. The Order was attached to clothing by a threaded stud and screw attachment.
Height 50.00 mm
Width 47.00 mm
Material Silver
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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