Nimes - Aerial View of the Arena (1963)

Nimes - Aerial View of the Arena (1963)
Added by Bart Perdieus
General Description The Arena of Nîmes is a Roman amphitheatre situated in the French city of Nîmes. Built around 70 AD, it was remodelled in 1863 to serve as a bullring. The Arenas of Nîmes is the site of two annual bullfights during the Feria de Nîmes, and it is also used for other public events.
The building encloses an elliptical central space 133 m long by 101 m wide. It is ringed by 34 rows of seats supported by a vaulted construction. It has a capacity of 16,300 spectators and since 1989 has a movable cover and a heating system.
Height 105.00 mm
Width 147.00 mm
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