Dresden - The Zwinger Palace - Crown gate

Dresden - The Zwinger Palace - Crown gate
Added by stomff andrei aurel
General Description Dresden's Zwinger Palace is famous around the world for its beautiful baroque architecture. It was built in 1709 during the reign of Augustus the Strong. The remarkable sculptures adorning the gallery walls are by various artists and help make this one of the main attractions in Saxony's regional capital.
The Zwinger Palace in Dresden was built in 1709. It was originally an open area surrounded by wooden buildings which was used by the Saxon nobility for tournaments and other courtly pursuits. The sandstone palace was built between 1710 and 1719 by Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann, under Elector Augustus the Strong. Its pavilions and galleries on the side of the ramparts were used as an orangery. The Crown Gate, the most photographed part of the Zwinger, is decorated with gods from Greek mythology.
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