Aachen - Gelbe Kaserne

Aachen - Gelbe Kaserne
Added by Bart Perdieus
General Description The Yellow Barracks was an imposing building complex built in the Wilhelmine Baroque style in the east quarter of Aachen, the name of which refers to its yellow clinker brick facade. The building was erected by the then Prussian government outside the Aachen city center and commissioned on September 20, 1882 and demolished in the 1960s in the course of the construction of new residential complexes and the Kennedy Park. In the course of its eventful history, the yellow barracks had been used alternately by several military associations and police units and, after the Second World War, served as an emergency shelter for the Aachen population returning from the evacuation. Today only eight columns remain from the entrance area and mark the main entrance to Kennedypark.
Height 90.00 mm
Width 140.00 mm
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