Battle of Mărăşeşti 75th anniversary

Battle of Mărăşeşti 75th anniversary Battle of Mărăşeşti 75th anniversary
Added by Radu Andron
General Description The Battle of Mărăşeşti, Vrancea County, eastern Romania (August 6 to September 8, 1917) was a major battle fought during World War I between Germany and Romania.
The Romanians participated in a joint Russian-Romanian offensive on July 22 against the Austro-Hungarian 1st Army in the Mărăşti area and on the lower part of the Siret river (the Battle of Mărăşti). After some initial success (a 30 km-wide and 20 km-deep salient in the front of the Austro-Hungarian 1st Army), the attack had to be stopped due to the successful Central Powers counter-offensive in Galicia (see the Kerensky Offensive).
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