Bucovina - Monasteries and churches

Bucovina - Monasteries and churches
Added by Alexandru Dan
General Description The eight Romanian Orthodox Churches of Moldavia are located in Suceava County, northern Moldavia, and were built approximately between 1487 and 1583.
The impressive number of churches in Bucovina, Romania, with the interesting frescos, was preserved since medieval times. Due to their uniqueness and artistic value, in 1993, they have been listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Church of the Resurrection Sucevița Monastery was added to the site in 2010.. Indeed, no other place on earth where there is such a group of churches, with such high quality exterior frescoes.
Since 1993, they have been listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Church of the Resurrection Sucevița Monastery was added to the site in 2010.
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Who has it for trade:
Alexandru Dan