Kiev - The People's Friendship Arch, participants of the Pereyaslav Council of 1654 (1988)

Kiev -  The People's Friendship Arch, participants of the Pereyaslav Council of 1654 (1988) Kiev -  The People's Friendship Arch, participants of the Pereyaslav Council of 1654 (1988)
Added by stomff andrei aurel
General Description The Soviet monument is dedicated to the 325th anniversary of the Council of Pereyaslav, Kiev, Ukraine
The Council of Pereyaslav was the 1654 General Cossack Council convened in Pereyaslav on the initiative of Bohdan Khmelnytsky to address the issue on mutual relations between Cossack Hetmanate and Muscovy. The council was attended by a delegation from Muscovy. Reportedly the council adopted a decision on the unification of Ukraine with Russia, but no original documents have been preserved. The event is often being confused with the official document that was signed two months later and known as the 1654 March Articles.
In Pereyaslav, there was no written treaty and the text of the speech that Buturlin was authorized to give was lost, so it was not delivered. Only an act of acknowledgement of the overlordship of the Russian monarch took place, based on vague promises conveyed by his representative. He was authorized to recognize officially the Cossack Hetmanate and present Khmelnytsky with the Tsardom-provided insignia of power. The Hetman wanted a military alliance, not permanent subjection to the Russian state. The exact nature of the relationship stipulated by this agreement between Ukraine and Russia is a matter of scholarly controversy.
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