5 Cents 1970 - Royal Visit 1970

5 Cents 1970 - Royal Visit 1970
Added by Iordache Gabriel
Face value 5 Cents
Catalog code (Michel) AU 434I
Catalog code (Scott) AU 474
Catalog code Yvert et Tellier AU 404; Stanley Gibbons AU 456; Seven Seas Stamps AU 492; Brusden-White AU 519
Series Royal Visit 1970
Place in series 1
Stamp colour multicolor
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 13.509.000
Issue date 31/03/1970
Designer Post Office Artists
Paper type Wiggins Teape - chalk coated with Helecon
Print technique photogravure
Printed by Note Printing Branch, Reserve Bank of Australia
Perforation comb 13¼ x 13½
Height 26.00 mm
Width 38.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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