5 Heller 1908 - Emperor Franz Joseph

5 Heller 1908 - Emperor Franz Joseph
Added by ahmed
Face value 5 Austro-Hungarian heller
Catalog code (Michel) AT 142v
Catalog code Stamp Number AT 113b; Yvert et Tellier AT 104; Stanley Gibbons AT 192A; AFA number AT 124; ANK AT 142; Polish Stamps Catalog (Fischer) AT 4; Unificato AT 104
Series Jubileu - Austria 1908
Place in series 8
Stamp colour Green
Watermark No Watermark
Stamp use Definitive stamp
Print run 1.867.964.000
Issue date 01/01/1908
Designer Ferdinand Schirnböck (E) | Koloman Moser
Paper type Stamp, chalk-coated paper less than 0.10mm thick
Print technique Typography
Perforation comb 12½
Height 30.00 mm
Width 25.50 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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Who has it for trade:
ahmed Iordache Gabriel