75+75 Centimes 1939 - Maarten van Nieuwenhove by Hans Memling (1433-1494)

75+75 Centimes 1939 - Maarten van Nieuwenhove by Hans Memling (1433-1494)
Added by Bart Perdieus
General Description : Hans Memling (1430 – 11 August 1494) was a German-born painter who moved to Flanders and worked in the tradition of Early Netherlandish painting, becoming one of the leading artists from the 1460s until the end of his life, painting both portraits and several large religious works. His style continued that of the masters of his youth such as Rogier van der Weyden.
Face value 75 Centimes + 75 Centimes
Catalog code (Michel) BE 505
Catalog code Stamp Number BE B249 Yvert et Tellier BE 512 Stanley Gibbons BE 855 AFA number BE 494 Belgium BE 512 Unificato BE 512
Stamp colour black green
Stamp use Semi Postal stamp
Print run 279.522
Issue date 01/07/1939
Print technique photogravure
Perforation line 11 1/2
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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