6 + 2 Francs 1978 - Brussels - Principal Synagogue

6 + 2 Francs 1978 - Brussels - Principal Synagogue
Added by Bart Perdieus
General Description : The Great Synagogue of Europe, formerly known as the Great Synagogue of Brussels, is the main synagogue in Brussels, Belgium which was dedicated as a focal point for European Jews in 2008.

The building was designed in 1875 in a Romanesque-Byzantine style by the architect Desire De Keyser and constructed in 1878. It is located at 32 Rue de la Regence in Brussels. The synagogue survived the Holocaust in which 25,000 Belgian Jews died. Its chief rabbi is Albert Guigui and there are approximately 15000 persons of Jewish faith in the city (as of 2008).

It was dedicated as the "Great Synagogue of Europe" on 4 June 2008 by President Jose Manuel Barroso and two of Europe's leading rabbis who signed a document of dedication. The ceremony also involved singing by the European Choir and the reading of a Prayer for Europe. Their prayer wished for EU leaders to act justly in creating a spiritual union and to ask for happiness for European citizens.

The act was of a more political nature, as in the 19th century, responding to the Age of Enlightenment, Great Synagogues were built in many capitals of Europe to show that Jews were full and free citizens. This is something the Jewish community now wished to show at a European level. It is hoped that the building will become a focus for Judaism in Europe, as St. Peter's Basilica is for Roman Catholics.
Face value 6 + 2 Francs
Catalog code (Michel) BE 1970
Catalog code (Scott) BE B973
Catalog code Yvert et Tellier BE 1913 Stanley Gibbons BE 2545 AFA number BE 1974 Belgium BE 1918 Unificato BE 1913
Series Solidarity
Place in series 1
Stamp colour multicolour
Stamp use Semi Postal stamp
Print run 897.374
Issue date 02/12/1978
Designer Jean De Vos / Oscar Bonnevalle
Print technique recess
Perforation 11 1/2
Height 49.00 mm
Width 29.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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