16 Francs 1994 - Calystega Soldanella

16 Francs 1994 - Calystega Soldanella
Added by Bart Perdieus
General Description : The morning glory Calystegia soldanella (syn. Convolvulus soldanella) is a species of bindweed known by various common names such as seashore false bindweed, shore bindweed, shore convolvulus and beach morning glory. It is a perennial vine which grows in beach sand and other coastal habitats in temperate regions across the world.
Face value 16 Francs
Catalog code (Michel) BE 2626
Catalog code (Scott) BE 1564
Catalog code Yvert et Tellier BE 2574 Stanley Gibbons BE 3243 Belgium BE 2574 Unificato BE 2574
Stamp colour multicolor
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 1.500.000
Issue date 24/09/1994
Designer Jacques Doppée
Paper type Stamp
Print technique photogravure
Perforation comb 11¾
Height 45.00 mm
Width 51.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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Radu Florin