2,60 Euro 2006 - Freedom of Press Souvenir Sheet

2,60 Euro 2006 - Freedom of Press Souvenir Sheet
Added by Bart Perdieus
Face value 2,60 Euro
Catalog code (Michel) BE 3542-3543KB
Catalog code (Scott) BE 2136
Catalog code Yvert et Tellier BE 3479-3480 Stanley Gibbons BE MS3986 Belgium BE F3494-3495 WADP Numbering System - WNS BE025MS.06 Unificato BE 3486-3487MF
Stamp colour multicolour
Stamp use Souvenir Sheet
Issue date 18/02/2006
Designer Gerard Alsteen (GAL)
Print technique photogravure
Perforation 11 1/2
Height 100.00 mm
Width 197.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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