55 Cents 2006 - Rhine Valley (World Heritage 2002)

55 Cents 2006 - Rhine Valley (World Heritage 2002)
Added by Radu Florin
Face value 55 ct - Euro cent
Catalog code (Michel) DE 2537
Catalog code (Scott) DE 2379
Catalog code Yt:DE 2360, Sg:DE 3415, AFA:DE 3446E, Un:DE 2369
Series UNESCO - Germania 2006
Place in series 2
Stamp colour Multicolor
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 295.485.000
Issue date 04/05/2006
Designer Dieter Ziegenfeuter
Paper type Stamp, Self-Adhesive
Print technique Offset lithography
Perforation Die Cut11
Height 35.00 mm
Width 35.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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