1 st Class 2004 - The Crimean War 1854-1856 - Piper Muir

1 st Class 2004 - The Crimean War 1854-1856 - Piper Muir
Added by Iordache Gabriel
Face value 1 st
Catalog code (Michel) GB 2247
Catalog code (Scott) GB 2239
Catalog code Yvert et Tellier GB 2589; Stanley Gibbons GB 2490; AFA number GB 2456; WADP Numbering System - WNS GB076.04; Unificato GB 2616
Series Crimean War 1854-1856
Stamp colour multicolor
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Issue date 12/10/2004
Designer Atelier Works
Paper type 2 phosphor bands
Print technique Offset lithography
Printed by Walsall Security Printers Ltd.
Perforation 14
Height 41.00 mm
Width 30.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet


Who has it for trade:
Iordache Gabriel