0.95 Euro 2015 - Municipal Botanical Garden of Trieste

0.95 Euro 2015 - Municipal Botanical Garden of Trieste 0.95 Euro 2015 - Municipal Botanical Garden of Trieste
Added by modestcol
Face value 0.95 Euro
Catalog code (Michel) IT 3825
Catalog code Yvert et Tellier IT 3586; Stanley Gibbons IT 3668; Unificato IT 3668; Bolaffi IT 3734; Sassone IT 3607; WADP Numbering System - WNS IT063.15
Series Patrimoniu Natural - Italia 2015
Place in series 1
Stamp colour Multicolor
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 800.000
Issue date 12/08/2015
Designer G.Milite
Paper type Stamp
Print technique Offset and Lithography
Printed by I.P.Z.S. SpA-Roma
Perforation comb 11
Height 40.00 mm
Width 48.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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