3 Cents - Sport

3 Cents - Sport
Added by Iordache Gabriel
General Description : Series:
Definitives 1973-1976: Aspects of Malta
Face value 3 ċ - Maltese cent
Catalog code (Michel) MT 464
Catalog code Stamp Number MT 461; Yvert et Tellier MT 466; Stanley Gibbons MT 493; AFA number MT 461; Unificato MT 466
Series Definitive 1973-1976 - Malta 1973
Place in series 8
Stamp colour Multicolor
Watermark Maltese Cross Multiple [S]
Stamp use Definitive stamp
Issue date 31/03/1973
Designer Emvin Cremona
Paper type Stamp
Print technique Offset lithography
Printed by Printex Ltd.
Perforation comb 13¾ x 13½
Height 26.80 mm
Width 25.10 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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