5 Riyals 1968 - Paintings from galleries of London, Munich and São Paulo - Sailing boats, by Monet; The Bridge of Mantes, by Corot

5 Riyals 1968 -  Paintings from galleries of London, Munich and São Paulo - Sailing boats, by Monet; The Bridge of Mantes, by Corot
Added by Vlad Lutic
Face value 5 United Arab Emirates riyal
Catalog code (Michel) RK BL42B
Series Paintings from galleries of London, Munich and São Paulo 1968
Place in series 2
Stamp use Airmail stamp
Issue date 24/07/1968
Paper type Souvenir Sheet
Print technique Offset lithography
Perforation Imperforate
Height 140.00 mm
Width 113.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet