20 Rappen (Centimes), 40 Rappen (Centimes), 70 Rappen (Centimes), 80 Rappen (Centimes) 1979

20 Rappen (Centimes), 40 Rappen (Centimes), 70 Rappen (Centimes), 80 Rappen (Centimes) 1979
Added by John Barking
General Description : 671 - Othmar H. Ammann (1879-1965), Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, NY
672 - 50th Federal Riflemen’s Festival, Lucerne, July 7-22 - Target Hit with Pole and Lucerne
673 - World Esperanto Congress, Lucerne - Hot Air Balloon
674 - New unway at Basel-Mulhouse Intl. Airport - Airport,Swissair and Air France Jets
Face value 20 Rappen (Centimes), 40 Rappen (Centimes), 70 Rappen (Centimes), 80 Rappen (Centimes)
Catalog code (Scott) 671 - 674
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet


Who wants it:
Radu Florin