Muller, cart unlocker

Muller, cart unlocker Muller, cart unlocker
Added by Ryo
General Description : Müller Ltd. & Co. KG (Müller) is a chain of retail stores with headquarters in Ulm, Germany.
The hairdresser Erwin Franz Müller founded his company in Ulm on 5 March 1953. By 1968 the company had opened additional outlets in Munich and Karlsruhe. In 1976 the construction of a corporate headquarter began in Ulm-Jungingen. In 1978 annual revenue crossed 100 million D-Mark for the first time. From 1980 to 1985 the company opened 59 new outlets, was converted into the Müller GmbH & Co. KG in 1985 and then opened another 86 outlets by 1990.
Material Plastic
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet