5000 Lire 1979

5000 Lire 1979 5000 Lire 1979
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description Watermark: Portrait of Antonello da Messina; Signatures: Carlo A. Ciampi; Stevani)
Front Description Bust portrait of Italian Sicilian Renaissance painter Antonello da Messina; Winged lion of St. Mark, symbol of Venice above three shields of Genoa, Pisa and Amalfi.
Back Description Architectural elements of various places; The replica bronze equestrian statue of Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius, in the Piazza Campidoglio in Rome (the original was created in the second century AD and can be seen in the nearby Capitoline Museum); Fontana delle Tartarughe (Fountain of the tortoises; Turtle fountain) in "Piazza Mattei" (Jewish Ghetto) near Largo Argentina in Rome.
Catalog code P#105a
Height 61.00 mm
Width 126.00 mm
Material Paper
Catalog prices VG $5.00   VF $30.00  

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