1000 Dong ND (1972)

1000 Dong ND (1972) 1000 Dong ND (1972)
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description Watermark: Profile portrait of South Vietnam's President Nguyen Van Thieu's wife, Madame Nguyen Thi Mai Anh
Printer: Thomas De La Rue
exts: Ngan-Hang Quoc-Gia Viet-Nam; Mot Ngan Dong; One Thousand Dong
Front Description Palace of Independence
Back Description Elephants and handlers at work
Catalog code P#34a
Height 76.00 mm
Width 152.00 mm
Material Paper
Catalog prices VF $1.25   UNC $5.00  

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Doral Doral Ovidiu-Daniel