10 Lei 2013 - The centennial anniversary of the Academy of High Commercial and Industrial Studies (the present-day Bucharest University of Economic Studies) - silver coin

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Images copyright National Bank of Romania
General Description The centennial anniversary of the Academy of High Commercial and Industrial Studies (the present-day Bucharest University of Economic Studies) - silver coin

Issue date: 25/03/2013
Obv. Description The building of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies; the face value “10 Lei”; Romania’s coat of arms; “Romania” and the year of issue “2013”.
Rev. Description A depiction of the Aula Magna of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies; “ACADEMIA DE STUDII ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI” inscribed in an arc; the year of its establishment “1913” and the year of the centennial anniversary “2013”.
Mintage 500
Diameter 37.00 mm
Weight 31.1030 g
Material Silver 0.9990
Mint Romania - Bucharest
Edge Type reeded
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet


Who wants it:
Ovidiu-Daniel dmusat jyhsehda

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