Baden-Baden Kurhaus

Baden-Baden Kurhaus Baden-Baden Kurhaus
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : Embossed and painted design on tin.
Front Description : The Kurhaus is a spa resort, casino, and conference complex in Baden-Baden, Germany in the outskirts of the Black Forest (Schwarzwald).
The main structure was designed in 1824 by Friedrich Weinbrenner, who is responsible for the Corinthian columns and paired-griffins frieze of the grand entrance and the neo-classical interiors. Although a casino was incorporated from the inception of the Kurhaus, it only began to achieve international fame in the mid-1830s, when gambling was forbidden in France. This legal barrier encouraged gamblers to cross the border where they could try their luck at Baden-Baden's gaming tables.
Height 35.00 mm
Width 42.00 mm
Material -I do not know-
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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Robert Hilbun