Coronation of King Ferdinand I

Coronation of King Ferdinand I Coronation of King Ferdinand I
Added by Ryo , with updated images by Alain Martineau
General Description : Circular bronze medal with loop for ribbon suspension; the face with the portrait in relief of King Ferdinand I facing left, dated ‘MCMXXI’ (1922) and circumscribed ‘IN AMINTIREA INCORONARII FERDINAND I REGE AL ROMANILOR’ (In commemoration of the coronation of Ferdinand I, King of Romania); the reverse with the portrait in relief of Emperor Trajan with a Roman standard, dated ‘AD CVI’ (106) and circumscribed ‘TRAIAN IMPERATOR ROMANORUM PROVINCIA DACIA FELIX’ (Trajan Emperor of the fortunate Roman province of Dacia); diameter 35mm (1⅜ inches); with narrow ribbon in the national colours of Romania. Although Ferdinand I became king of Romania on 10 October 1914 on the death of Carol I, the outbreak of World War I delayed his coronation and he was crowned in 1922 at Alba Iulia in Transylvania. This was symbolic, in that Transylvania had been given to Romania under the terms of the treaties that ended the War and that Alba Iulia had been a settlement of Emperor Trajan’s Roman colonists from whom modern Romanians claimed descent. Ferdinand reigned until his death in 1927, the first Romanian sovereign of modern times to reign over all three Romanian provinces.
Diameter 35.00 mm
Weight 16.00 g
Material Bronze
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet


Who wants it:
Radu Florin Ovidiu-Daniel