Rulers of Moldavia-Alexander the Kind 1400-1432

Rulers of Moldavia-Alexander the Kind 1400-1432 Rulers of Moldavia-Alexander the Kind 1400-1432
Added by Nenad Marcovici , with updated images by Alain Martineau
General Description : Alexander cel Bun (Romanian: Alexandru cel Bun was a Voivode (Prince) of Moldavia, reigning between 1400 and 1432, son of Roman I Mușat. He succeeded Iuga to the throne, and, as a ruler, initiated a series of reforms while consolidating the status of the Moldavian Principality.
Diameter 35.00 mm
Weight 10.37 g
Material Silver
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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Radu Florin Ovidiu-Daniel