Ferdinand Medal 1914 - 1927

Ferdinand Medal 1914 - 1927 Ferdinand Medal 1914 - 1927
Added by Marc0 , with updated images by Alain Martineau
General Description : Circular bronze medal with swivel crown suspension.
The medal was instituted by Royal Decree on 8 May 1929 to be awarded for outstanding service to the progress and well-being of Romania. 1914 was the year of Ferdinand’s accession to the Romanian throne.
The medal would be found with a blue ribbon with a red center stripe
Front Description : the face with the head of King Ferdinand in relief facing left circumscribed ‘FERDINAND I REGE AL ROMÂNIEI’ (Ferdinand I King of the Romanians)
Back Description : the reverse with King Ferdinand’s cipher, the date ‘1914’ above and ‘1927’ below
Material -I do not know-
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet
