Terroir et Saveurs 2011

Terroir et Saveurs 2011 Terroir et Saveurs 2011
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description Terroir et Saveurs.com: the largest virtual shopfront devoted to the terroirs and flavours of Québec!
Here you’ll find 1000 owners and producers working in agritourism and food tourism who are opening their doors so that you can taste and experience Québec in an original, authentic and flavour-filled way! Here you’ll discover vineyards and wineries, cider houses and farms in the different regions of Québec, as well as cheese-makers, micro-breweries, bakers, terroir farm shops and more, where you can purchase regional products. You’ll also find exceptional B&Bs, small inns and restaurants, in which terroir products and the regional cuisine take centre stage (Certified Gîtes et Auberges du Passant & Tables and Relais du Terroir). You can also plan your vacation, an outing to a farm, a visit to a U-pick farm, or a tour along one of Québec’s many gourmet routes and circuits, created especially for food lovers.
Height 102.00 mm
Width 153.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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