Regina - The Saskatchewan Power Corporation building from Vicoria park

Regina - The Saskatchewan Power Corporation building from Vicoria park Regina - The Saskatchewan Power Corporation building from Vicoria park
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description This curving Y-shaped building is the headquarters of SaskPower, the provincially-owned electric utility. It was designed by architect Joseph Pettick, and opened in 1963. Pettick would go on to design several other buildings in Regina, including the C.M. Fines (SGI) Building, City Hall, and the Bank of Montreal Building.
Saskatchewan Power Corporation (SaskPower) was established as the Saskatchewan Power Commission in 1929 to provide safe, reliable, cost-effective power to Saskatchewan residents.
1949 — The Saskatchewan Power Commission becomes Saskatchewan Power Corporation, a Crown corporation.
1963 — The new SaskPower Head Office opens in Regina.
Height 88.00 mm
Width 139.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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