Oberammerergau - Hansel and Gretel house

Oberammerergau - Hansel and Gretel house Oberammerergau - Hansel and Gretel house
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description Oberammergau is a treat for the eyes of friends of art and cul-ture. “Lüftlmalerei” i.e. wall paintings can be discovered on many facades on a walk through town. These old opulent pictures, painted in the so-called fresco technique, date back to the 18th century.
Front Description Hansel and Gretel, is a fairy tale of German origin, recorded by the Brothers Grimm and published in 1812. Hansel and Gretel are a young brother and sister threatened by a cannibalistic witch living deep in the forest in a house constructed of cake and bread. The two children save their lives by outwitting her.
Height 103.00 mm
Width 147.00 mm
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