Alkmaar - Cheese market (1978)

Alkmaar - Cheese market (1978) Alkmaar - Cheese market (1978)
Added by Alain Martineau
Front Description Dutch cheese farmers traditionally brought their cheeses to the market square in town to sell. Teams (vemen) of official guild cheese-porters (kaasdragers), identified by differently coloured straw hats associated with their forwarding company, carried the farmers' cheese on stretchers, which typically weighed about 160 kilograms. Buyers then sampled the cheeses and negotiated a price using a ritual system called handjeklap in which buyers and sellers clap each others' hands and shout prices. Once a price is agreed, the porters carry the cheese to the weighing house (Waag), and scale of their company.
Height 100.00 mm
Width 150.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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